Old wine in a new bottle: Munda talks about changes
September 15, 2010
There is perhaps no better person and place to get renewed promises of changes in Jharkhand than the precincts of its most famous address for four years: Old Jail Road, and its occupant Chief Minister Arjun Munda.
Soon after taking oath as the 8th CM of Jharkhand on Saturday; Munda in an exclusive talk with The Pioneer swore to demolish one idea of Jharkhand as the basket case of India, and the crafting of another.
Can Munda make a difference? Past regimes were not different. It was a free territory overran and exploited by people and politicians of all hues — scamsters and scoundrels, sycophants, in-laws and outlaws, a whole court confederacy that first put establishment out of touch with the rooted reality of the State, and then, out of power.
And 10 years down Munda has again become CM of the State: functionality for famed flair, calibre for celebrated corruption and hope for hollow hype.
“So what, Jharkhand will change,” Munda said gazing at a large portrait hung on the wall depicting natural beauty of Jharkhand. He probably wanted to hint it as the central metaphor of his reign.
Q: You had been in State politics before you moved to the national politics and became party’s national general secretary. Great hope was attached to you. And in fact you had shown right sign. Strange! Why did you decide to make a come back?
A: I am a loyal worker of the BJP. My party assigned me this job. I will take any responsibility as deemed fit by the party. I will deliver best of my capabilities.
Q: Is Arjun Munda different today and than the one in the past?
A: As my understanding and experience is concerned as a party worker, i will make an optimum use to this. I promise to remain bias in performing my duty.
Q: Have you worked out your priorities for the State after you took oath as CM?
A: At present priorities are speaking for themselves: drought, law and order. Good rain could have yielded good crops… solving a major trouble. What I think is that the State require infrastructure. Under a long term plan we need to tap and harness the human resource to enable Jharkhand to compete with global economy. Bijli, Pani sarak (BIPASA) are in priority. Projects must be planned in the light of the demographic and geographical conditions of the State.
Q:And what about corruption?
A:This is a big and serious issue…our priority will be to change the system that breeds corruption. But I think it is not the only issue one should keep himself engaged with. People of Jharkhand are forward looking. People are not concerned with corruption only.
Q: But then corruption eats away the vitals of the development?
A: See this is true it has become gangrene. We need to work together.
Q: Don’t you think the institutes like ombudsman are good and effective tools to crush corruption?
A: Yes, I will think and try all these mechanisms. But I do not believe in propaganda. Our commitment to deal with corruption is more important.
Q: Will you ask your Ministers to declare their properties to stop another Madhu Koda, Ainosh Ekka, Harinarayan Rai and Kamlesh Singh in making?
A: I always ask media what is the level of corruption. Let me ask you what is corruption? How we brand somebody as corrupt. Now tell me what media will offer me on this front.
Correspondent: Media will extend you full cooperation.
Munda: No no. It is not only about support. I personally believe that serious issues require serious deliberations. How many times you (media) questioned the logic behind supporting an independent MLA as CM of this State. What should be the criteria? National parties are responsible for the reflection of democracy and democratic system. There is only partial democracy.
Q: What messages CM Arjun Munda will like to send across scamsters, scoundrels and corrupt?
A: Law will take care of them. They will be punished according to their deeds.
Q: And bureaucracy?
A: Be ready for a transparent and functioning administration. Be responsible towards people.
Q: Maoism will be a big challenge for you to deal with.
A: I had had been raising this issue that how this problem has affected people and the States…but I was taken very lightly that time. Jharkhand is not the only State facing this problem. Can a State address this problem by taking isolated effort? You need to form an elaborate national policy. I do not criticise anybody. I will raise right points at right forums.
Q: What about Operation Green Hunt?
A: Don’t ask me all these. Ask this to Indian Government.
Q: Will you also not talk about all those Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) you had signed as CM in the past that gave you a nickname MoU CM, once. Won’t you look back?
A: Will you explain me please what happened all these four years after I stepped out so that I answer you.
Q: Industrial houses sign MoUs only to fast belt minerals and resources and then they pack off. Do you promise a fair and rational Industrial Policy?
A: Yes, there will people’s policy. Industry will automatically come. Policy will be decided while keeping the interest of the people at the centre of the policy formation.
Q: During your first tenure as CM you took your first decision to grant lifelong freebies to former CMs. What will be your first decision this time?
A: “Iss baar media ke liye karenge (This time I will do for media),” Munda laughs.
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