Monday, October 11, 2010
MCC letters baffle S&T dept director
Thursday, September 23, 2010
An unknown person calling himself a cadre of Maoist Communist Centre (MCC) has been sending threatening letters to senior State officials like Chief Secretary Ashok Singh, Assembly Speaker CP Singh, and whistleblower Madan Yadav, who has filed a corruption case against Science & Technology department director Arun Kumar.
The sender has threatened them of dire consequences if actions were taken against Science & Technology department director Arun Kumar. “If you dare do this, you will be killed within 48 hours,” the letters read.
A fortnight back, Chief Secretary Ashok Singh is believed to have received one such letter.
On Tuesday, Speaker CP Singh received a threatening letter from one Raju Mandal of Sudambudih village of Arki under Ranchi district. Madan Yadav, who has filed a public interest litigation (PIL) to seek a fair probe in the corruption in the Science & Technology department, also received a threatening letter that day. The letters have been sent by the same Raju Mandal, whose identity is yet to be established.
Madan Yadav has been threatened with dire consequences if he does not withdraw his petition against Kumar. “I received the letter on Tuesday. And the person identifying himself as Raju Mandal of the MCC has threatened to kill me if I don’t withdraw case against the director,” he told The Pioneer.
Yadav has lodged a complaint with the Doranda police atation in this regard. However, senior police officials strongly believe there is no involvement of a Maoist cadre behind issuing threatening letters in support of the Science & Technology department director. “There is no named presence or existence of the MCC after its merger in the People’s War Group (PWG),” a senior police official commented. “It is a prank, it is a serious kind of prank that needed to be investigated,” the officer said.
It should be noted that two separate complaints of corruption against Kumar have been filed by Madan Yadav and Shivjee Singh. Speaker CP Singh received the letter after he forwarded the complaint of Shivjee Singh to the Chief Secretary for further action.
However amid an embarrassing support from an unexpected quarter, Science & Technology department director Arun Kumar appeared baffled, quite unable to point out who the man can be. “I do not know who is doing all these. I am not aware of the motive behind the threatening letters. Those who have sent such letters must be a fool,” Dr Arun Kumar told The Pioneer on Tuesday.
Source said that Dr Kumar was summoned by the Chief Secretary on Tuesday evening to probe the matter.
Official source did not rule out it to be a case of internal rivalry in the State bureaucracy. “You cannot rule out that his rivals within the bureaucracy and outside might have been doing all these to keep him in trouble,” a senior police officer said.
“And each time such threatening letters reach people in the power corridor, the corruption charges against Kumar will be refreshed in the public memory,” the official sounded quite logical.
Central leadership picks Goswami as State party chief
Sunday, September 26, 2010
The Central BJP leadership on Saturday effected a key change in the State BJP; picking party's vice-president Dineshanand Goswami as the next president in a calibrated exercise to strike a synergy between the party and the organisation.
Drafted for a critical and contentious job, as a BJP source said, Goswami was selected for veneer of equidistance with Chief Minister Arjun Munda and outgoing president Raghuwar Das whose differences have embossed the face of the party. Goswami may not display his leaning towards any group and faction; but he is said to be close to Munda.
The post got vacant after Das resigned in January this year, following his induction in the coalition Government led by Shibu Soren. Asked to stay as working president till further arrangements were made, the State BJP had announced to complete the procedure of the appointment of the party president through consensus basis by September 25.
Soon after the announcement Goswami who has been recuperating from leg fracture told The Pioneer that his primary task would be to inject fresh blood in the party organisation.
Goswami used three key words out of his diction; 'consensus', "organisational overhauling" and "expansion of the base of the party" and said he was quite aware of the lurking challenges like factionalism, widening faultline and crumbling index of the party's popularity that has shown a rise in an alarming proportion.
Nevertheless, his selection was greeted with initial whine as both the Chief Minister and party president belong to Jamshedpur.
Even after backroom criticism from a section of the party; Goswami's selection is seen as a great reprieve for Munda. Goswami is in his good books even if he is not a yes man in true spirit. A desperate Munda even lobbied for Dhanbad MP PN Singh, who as the party president in the past got the distinction of being Munda's yesman. Singh's proposed anointment could not graduate beyond the media column. "It could have emitted a wrong signal. We needed a dynamic face who can act as a bridge between the party and the organisation. Goswami is a good choice…he knows the organisation, he has field experience," a senior party leader commented.
But his leadership quality will see a critical test in his hometown Jamshedpur which has turned into a battleground between Das and senior party leader Saryu Rai who are in a war of words to assert their hold on the party organisation. If that requires a proof it can be ascertained from the fact during organisation elections of the party in Jamshedpur. Both factions have been running a parallel organisation and committees in 12 out of 21 blocks. It will be very difficult but a challenging task for him to facilitate détente between two senior leaders.
After Munda's nomination as Chief Minister it was almost certain the post of party president would go to a non-tribal. At one point of time the Central BJP leadership is believed to have decided the name of Sunil Singh for party president. But that process was abandoned after the fall of the Shibu Soren Government. Singh, nevertheless, welcomed the decision and pledged all support to Goswami but remained silent as to why the Central leadership dropped his name. Probably his closeness with Rai proved as the biggest stumbling block. Rai has often been very critical and vocal in criticising his own party and Government.
Goswami's appointment is seen as a long term plan of the party to accommodate different castes and creed in the party fold to increase its base. With CP Singh as Assembly Speaker, Munda as tribal and Goswami as Brahmin leader the Central leadership hopes the combination will work successfully.
But the party cannot ignore the Vaishya community; the mainstay of the party. Nevertheless, Das at the last moment lobbied for reappointment as State president much to the discomfiture of Munda.
Regional imbalances are still to be addressed. There is no representation of Santhal Pargana in the organisation and there has been a greater demand to accommodate party MLA from Santhal Pargana in the Ministry. In a couple of days Munda is expected to open the Pandora's box of Cabinet expansion where such concerns are expected to be addressed. Limited scope and too many aspirations will be a major test for both Goswami and Munda.
Kolhan to hog Munda Cabinet?
Monday | September 27, 2010
Chief Minister Arjun Munda was in a hurry to return to the State capital to give the finishing touches to much-awaited cabinet expansion in Jharkhand, but the central BJP directed him to stay for a couple of days to attend the meeting of the central election committee of the party.
An important meeting of the central election committee of the BJP will be held on Monday in New Delhi to discuss the final list of the BJP candidates for Bihar Assembly election
It is going to be, probably, the last meeting of central BJP to be attended by Munda as he would have to give up the post of national general secretary of the party following swearing-in as Chief Minister of Jharkhand.
Sources in the BJP said that the alliance partners have ironed out their differences over the allocation of portfolios and the number of berths in the ministry. The BJP might get four berths in the ministry, including the post of CM. Munda is quite keen to retain his trusted Barkuwar Gagrai in the ministry. Nevertheless, a section of party feels Gagrai’s inclusion will unreasonably tilt the balance of the ministry in the favour of Kolhan region since Munda belongs to the same region. Munda’s another trusted man Vaidynath Ram is also expected to find place in the ministry.
The entry of party MLA from Santhal Pargana division Arun Mandal is also expected; it is largely seen as an attempt to correct regional imbalances in the ministry formation. After all, Santhal Pargana has often been whining for not getting adequate representation in the previous coalition government led by Shibu Soren. Mandal’s entry in the ministry is also supported on the ground that it will strengthen the bond of the party with backward community that had slowly started inching away from the party.
But the very political mechanism of the party which has largely been debated in the party might come as a damper for another party MLA from Santhal Pargana division Satyanand Jha ‘Batul’ who once sought support from all ‘faction friend’ Prabhat Jha (Madhya Pradesh BJP president) to get entry in the ministry.
He may believe that his theatrics and histrionics, during floor test and outside, with which he defended and praised Munda’s leadership will pay dividend at last. But under the existing caste combination when a Brahmin — Dinesanand Goswami — has already been appointed as party president things appears tough for Batul.
It may appear cynical to announce that the coming days will bring more drought for party stalwart and Munda’s bete noire — Raghuwar Das. But Munda’s close aides confided that for Das it was quite unlikely to get a berth in the ministry even if he wishes so. Kolhan factor comes again.
“Can you accommodate three Kolhan figures in the ministry? Even if you drop Gagrai, the party organisation and the ministry will be biased in favour of Kolhan. It will be going to be a Jamshedpur centric ministry in such situation,” said a close aide of Munda.
Till central BJP work out a suitable accommodation plan for Das, Kolhan cauldron will keep on boiling.
Farook questions delay in Cabinet expansion
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Memories of former Governor Ved Marwah must have haunted Chief Minister Arjun Munda again when Governor MOH Farook on Wednesday asked him to explain the reason behind delay in Cabinet expansion.
A day back, Munda in an official communiqué to Raj Bhavan wished to expand his ministry on October 8, but the Governor was reported to be not satisfied over extension of another one week for the cabinet expansion. Farook wants him to complete his Cabinet under the light of Article 164 (1) (A) of the Constitution.
In 2004, then Governor Marwah had threatened Munda to dissolve his Government as the number of ministers in his Cabinet fell short of requisite numbers --- 11 against prescribed 12 ministers, under the said Article.
Sources in the Raj Bhavan confided that Farook during 25 minute meeting with Munda wanted him to explain the reasons behind delay in Cabinet expansion.
Munda said: “I have explained reasons behind the delay. It is our belief that good works must be started on auspicious moment. The delay is not deliberate…ongoing Pitri Paksha is not seen auspicious to start an important work or assignment.”
Raj Bhavan may not like to pick quarrel with the Government on this front but as sources said, “Extending Cabinet expansion beyond October 8 will be quite unwelcome.”
Nevertheless, Munda appeared firm in his view that Cabinet expansion was a sole prerogative of the Chief Minister. “I will expand the Cabinet on the given date but it can be expanded before October 8 or after also. It depends upon situation.”
Interestingly, Raj Bhavan received the communication regarding the Cabinet expansion on Tuesday at a time when Farook was entertaining a delegation of Congress-JVM Opposition that raised objection over delay in Cabinet expansion. Asking the Governor to act under the light of Constitution, the Opposition even demanded the dismissal of the Munda Government for its failure to follow Article 164.
The Opposition repeatedly mentioned that in the year 2004 similar constitutional crisis had cropped up when Marwah had almost decided to dismiss Munda's Government after Munda made considerable delay in maintaining minimum number of ministers in his Cabinet. In a late Tuesday evening development, Raj Bhavan sources said, Farook summoned Advocate General Sohail Anwar to seek opinion over the implication of the Article.
Under the Article 164, the Chief Minister of a State is bound to retain 15 per cent of the total strength of the house or a minimum of 12 ministers in the Cabinet --- which so ever is applicable.
But constitutional experts claim that the Article does not mention any timeline or deadline under which a CM needed to act.
In 2004, Munda was forced to induct Satyanand Bhokta on August 26 in his ministry after Raj Bhavan in a late night communication to the CMO threatened to dismiss his Government.
Munda plans quiet ride on DMU
October 2, 2010
After initial euphoria of Government formation and media reports about bickering among allies on the portfolios, Chief Minister Arjun Munda is now keen on keeping a veto power on all departments.
After staying in New Delhi for a couple of days, along with his deputy Chief Ministers Hemant Soren of the JMM and Sudesh Mahato of the AJSU, to resolve logjam over portfolio distribution, Munda returned to the State capital on Wednesday evading "whose who" of his cabinet that will be expanded on October 8.
Prior to his arrival in the State capital, Munda directed Chief Secretary AK Singh to prepare a "vision document" for the execution of plans and projects — both long and short term — of key departments. Sources in the CMO attributed it to be the evolving concept of Direct Monitoring Unit (DMU).
"A fortnight back this Government was formed. Now, people will reasonably want to know as how he (Munda) wants to proceed," said a CMO official.
Mentioning rural development, agriculture, irrigation, plans to control drought, road, electricity, safe drinking water, infrastructural development, health and a few others as major thrust area, Munda directed the CS to present a blueprint for the effective execution.
Though, no credible information about backroom negotiation over portfolio distribution is available, except very keenness of Munda to retain key departments like energy, road construction and rural development with him those directly associated with the public.
The JMM is baiting for the energy, whereas the AJSU is reported to be interested in retaining road construction department.
"Whosoever alliance partners get these key departments, but the Chief Minister wants DMU and delivery mechanism firmly under his supervision to supervise the flagship projects he wishes to unveil," source close to Munda said.
Sources said that the formula of DMU is still in conceptual phase, "its final shape will be decided only after his two Deputy Chief Ministers Hemant Soren of the JMM and Sudesh Kumar Mahato of the AJSU agree," sources said accepting "some pocket of resistance."
The allies might reasonably fear DMU as an instrument to superimpose the authority of the Chief Minister in the regular and key affairs of such departments.
On being asked, Munda evaded a direct reply. "Running Government is a team work. It is quite immaterial that who runs the department. Effective monitoring and timely action is the key responsibility of the Government." Munda remarked.
Munda took oath on September 11 and proof to his DMU intention became official four days later. He directed the Chief Secretary of the Government and Principal Secretary of Road Construction Department to complete formalities of ambitious 311-km Govindpur via Sahebganj road construction project within 15 days. Munda will inaugurate the ambitious project, with estimated cost of Rs 1,064 crore, in Dumka on October 2. On the very first day in the office, Munda directed the Energy Secretary to prepare a roadmap for 'zero power cut.' Informally these departments have not been slotted to anybody.
In the words of a close member of CM's inner circle, Munda has taken lesson from the mistakes from his two previous terms. "Ministers of his previous two Governments, particularly independents, had grown audacious in running the departments. There was none to stop them because they commanded for the survival of the Government."
Compulsion of coalition politics is still at its place but it is not so dominant, though. After the fall of the coalition Government led by the Chief Minister Shibu Soren, none wants to let the Government down, the JMM in particular. Munda knows it well, and, he planning a quite ride on DMU.
CM seeks Plan panel support for progress
October 3
Quite keen over the development of Jharkhand; Chief Minister Arjun Munda has sought support from the Planning Commission of India to discuss the issue of development and planning of Jharkhand.
Talking to selected mediapersons at his residence, on Saturday, before leaving for Jamshedpur, Munda said that the meeting is expected to be held in Ranchi on October 19.
“I want to know where we are lacking. We will make presentation before the members and experts of the Commission. It will help us to correct the things…it will guide us in devising plans and projects in the coming days, Munda said.
Munda has already spoken to member Commission; Sudha Pillai a few days back and she agreed to offer and supply all support and expertise in setting things aright.
“My entire Cabinet, top officials of the departments will take part in the meeting. Each department will make separate presentation of the plans and projects which will be analysed by the team of experts, Munda added. While roads and electricity are two key concerns of the Government, Munda said that he wanted to expand the network of road in Jharkhand.
Talking about the absence of any credible data and index of the human resource in Jharkhand he said that the Commission’s meeting would broaden his understanding over how to use human resources for all rounded development of Jharkhand.
Munda has already instructed Chief Secretary AK Singh to submit detailed report of every department along with its budgetary outlay of the current financial year and the resources actually required.
Keen to carry on ambitious biometric card project in Jharkhand Munda said that he was personally interested for successful execution of this plan. “Think. How things will be changed if the people hold a biometric card. A single card will hold all information of the holder of the card. It will be big thing,” Munda said. Munda has already sought a detailed project report and the roadmap for the execution of biometric card in Jharkhand.
October 3
Quite keen over the development of Jharkhand; Chief Minister Arjun Munda has sought support from the Planning Commission of India to discuss the issue of development and planning of Jharkhand.
Talking to selected mediapersons at his residence, on Saturday, before leaving for Jamshedpur, Munda said that the meeting is expected to be held in Ranchi on October 19.
“I want to know where we are lacking. We will make presentation before the members and experts of the Commission. It will help us to correct the things…it will guide us in devising plans and projects in the coming days, Munda said.
Munda has already spoken to member Commission; Sudha Pillai a few days back and she agreed to offer and supply all support and expertise in setting things aright.
“My entire Cabinet, top officials of the departments will take part in the meeting. Each department will make separate presentation of the plans and projects which will be analysed by the team of experts, Munda added. While roads and electricity are two key concerns of the Government, Munda said that he wanted to expand the network of road in Jharkhand.
Talking about the absence of any credible data and index of the human resource in Jharkhand he said that the Commission’s meeting would broaden his understanding over how to use human resources for all rounded development of Jharkhand.
Munda has already instructed Chief Secretary AK Singh to submit detailed report of every department along with its budgetary outlay of the current financial year and the resources actually required.
Keen to carry on ambitious biometric card project in Jharkhand Munda said that he was personally interested for successful execution of this plan. “Think. How things will be changed if the people hold a biometric card. A single card will hold all information of the holder of the card. It will be big thing,” Munda said. Munda has already sought a detailed project report and the roadmap for the execution of biometric card in Jharkhand.
Munda rushes to Delhi for party’s nod
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Chief Minister Arjun Munda on Wednesday strode adroitly across the trickiest terrain in the coalition politics, smothering murmurs of differences over sharing of ministerial berths with alliance partners, yet leaving the door ajar for conjecture over the shape of his Cabinet.
"All nine vacant posts in the Cabinet will be filled on October 8 as proposed," Munda told the media after holding the meeting of party's legislative body. He said, "The meeting was called to obtain feedbacks and suggestions on the functioning of his Government in the last one month."
Top BJP sources said that Munda during the meeting sought assurance from the party MLAs that the decision over the selection of names will not be resented stating that a final decision will be taken only after due consultation with party seniors in New Delhi.
Munda parried couple of pointed questions over the proposed faces in the Cabinet — regional, gender or otherwise — offering tailor-made answers.
Asked whether he will induct a woman in his ministry, he said, "There are several factors like caste, creed and region that are taken into consideration while such decisions are taken." Munda said that he will take development into consideration while taking a final call on the catalogue competing clamour for the ministerial berths. He was asked the question in the wake of splintered women voice in the BJP that met party's national organisational secretary Saudan Singh on Wednesday seeking assurance of the representation of a woman face in Munda's ministry.
JD(U)'s Sudha Chaudhary, who held portfolio in the previous coalition government of the JMM-BJP-AJSU-JD(U) combine, took umbrage over Munda's circumlocution over the representation of a woman in the ministry. She replied with a stern note: "Ministerial berth is our right. We have spoken to the Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar and party national president Sharad Yadav about our claim…Coalition partners will get apt representation in the ministry."
Chaudhary is less concerned for her party; "her concern is more personal," said a senior BJP leader. In the previous Cabinet expansion exercise, Chaudhary, owing to her strong connection in the JD(U) as her brother Udaynarayan Chaudhary is the Speaker of the Bihar Assembly, had tilted central unit's support in her favour. But this time she is facing another big problem --- JD(U) MLA from Tamar Raja Peter; who is close to Chief Minister Arjun Munda may favour his induction.
Soon after the meeting, Munda flew to New Delhi to take high command's consent on the proposed list of ministers from the BJP quota. CMO sources said that Munda will consult some of the top leaders over the names. He is scheduled to return today.
The Chief Minister kept the claimants within his party guessing about the sharing of seats --- BJP one (CM post) plus three, JMM one (Dy CM) plus four, AJSU one (Dy CM) plus one and JD (U) one. Another formula thoroughly discussed at the State BJP office does not mention the JD(U) in the ministry.
In the BJP camp, Baidyanath Ram looked confident. Munda personally wishes to retain his trusted MLA Barkuwar Gagrai, but the latter faces challenge from Nilkanth Singh Munda, who was minister in the previous Government. Munda is under pressure to give representation to Santhal Pargana. Arun Mandal and Satyanand Jha Batul are the two and only claimants belonging to Santhal Pargana.
Significantly former party president and MLA Raghuwar Das kept himself out of the deliberation. Notwithstanding, his close aides defended his absence due to his preoccupation with some public functions in his hometown; everybody in the party and outside now know as to why Das kept himself away. "He has no business here," a senior party leader said.

Munda's Navratna: Picture by Mukesh Bhatt
Nine Ministers take oath
October 9, 2010
After putting Cabinet expansion exercise in abeyance for nearly one month, Chief Minister Arjun Munda claimed his Cabinet is the combination of fresh flair, innovation and talent after nine MLAs took oath as minister of the coalition Government on Friday.
Munda made last-minute contentious changes in the proposed list of the Minister from the BJP on Thursday night leaving many baffled while some took an understanding view of the choices made — political, personal or otherwise.
"It is a composite and balanced team representing cross section of society. They will do something innovative for the betterment of Jharkhand," Munda said after the oath-taking ceremony at Raj Bhawan.
To give a different look of the ministry, not to be seen as a carryover of the Shibu Soren-led JMM-BJP-AJSU-JD(U) coalition Government, he pulled on board four new faces — Satyanand Jha Batul and Bimla Pradhan (BJP), Raja Peter (JD-U) and Champai Soren (JMM). He jettisoned four others — Raghuwar Das and Nilkanth Singh Munda (BJP), Sudha Chaudhary (JD-U) and Umakant Rajak (AJSU), who were ministers in the Soren Government. Rest of the old faces — Hemlal Murmu, Hazi Hussain Ansari and Mathura Mahato (all from JMM) and Chandra Prakash Chaudhary of the AJSU and Baidyanath Ram — have been retained.
Das' close aides claimed that he was unwilling to join Munda's Cabinet as subordinate but in the light of trickiest scheme of regional balancing act and his soared relationship with Munda; his induction in the ministry was declared beforehand quite unlikely.
Das, who enjoyed number two positions in the Soren Government as deputy Chief Minister, had no podium moment today, but he was talk of the political circle. He was among those important absentee who did not attend oath-taking ceremony along with Nilkanth Singh, Teklal Mahato, Simon Marandi and Lobin Hembrum of the JMM, Sudha and Kamal Kishore Bhagat of the AJSU. Discreetly they aired their grudge over Cabinet expansion as today's exercise left many fumed and exasperated.
"It is yes-man selection by Deputy CM Hemant. Seniors have been neglected," Simon said predicting gloomy days ahead for the Government. Teklal spew less venom but he is ready to bite whenever situation arises.
In the AJSU, the dissidence broke even before the official announcement and reached to the public square on Thursday evening. Supporters of Adivashi Kalyan Parishad protested AJSU chief and Deputy Chief Minister Sudesh Kumar Mahto for ignoring Bhagat. They termed him a practitioner of dynastic politics. The entry of Chandra Prakash in the ministry —his close relative, was protested so stoutly that a sulked Sudesh even did not talk to the media at Raj Bhawan as to how he feels about the balanced and composite cabinet.
Munda kept everybody guessing. Around 8pm on Thursday night, party MLA from Santhal Pargana division Arun Mandal was sure to be taken in the ministry. The name of Nilkanth Singh, party sources claimed, was almost agreed to represent Chhotanagpur division.
Munda sprang the last-minute surprise that night and replaced Mandal with Batul, who belongs to Santhal Pargana division, and Nilkanth with Pradhan from Chhotanagpur division. Jha had not dreamt so much of kindness from Munda.
Munda left Mandal star struck on late Thursday night when he told Mandal, 'Sitaron se aage jahan aur bhi hain. Abhi politics me imtehan aur bhi hain.'
Munda displayed 'hitting three birds with single' stone' act. He was not keen to retain Nilkanth and Sudha in the ministry. He wanted Peter, who is close to him. By bringing Pradhan in the ministry, he calmed the clamour for woman's representation insuring Chhotanagpur division is not left out.
Munda's ministers have yet to revel fresh flair; the day proved Munda is more innovative and talented in team selection exercise.

Not face to face; but friends under coalition’s compulsion
October 10, 2010
Raja Peter is a dark and lovely irony of this coalition Government: dark and lovely like his flowing silky hair.
This JD (U) MLA’s induction in the coalition Ministry led by Arjun Munda on Saturday was loathed by fairly shrunken ranks of the loyalists of JMM chief Shibu Soren whom Peter had finished in the by-election of Tamar assembly seat in January 2009.
“We accept that coalition politics means compulsion and compromise with the circumstances. Even after, we are not able to digest his elevation as Minister. We cannot
erase the past memory and scratches of humiliation.
I do not know how Soren and others are feeling now,” a central secretary of the JMM said soon after the oath-taking ceremony on Saturday.
In the BJP-JMM-AJSU-JD (U) coalition Government where Soren has been appointed as
chairman; Cabinet steering committee; Soren is sure for a frequent encounter with Peter.
But then, JMM has been in no position to dictate the list of the Ministers of the coalition parties. Peter’s selection had the official nod of the JD (U) with the backing of Munda.
“Politically I am not opposed to Peter. But average JMM workers have not forgotten the defeat of Soren and they dislike Peter more then they like Soren. Despite our repeated efforts and plea Peter and likes had not withdrawn from the contest.
Their sole objective was to defeat Soren. Now you are shaking hands,” senior JMM leader and Littipara MLA Simon Marandi said.
But then, it is coalition politics. “Be it coalition politics or collision politics; certain things never change. For JMM leaders; politics is a business to make fast bucks,” Marandi said.
Peter had contested as Jharkhand Party candidate and the defeat changed the face of State politics: Soren had to resign as Chief Minister of the coalition Government and faced the biggest political drubbing and humiliation of his life.
The man fashioned himself in a new identity Abhutpurva Bidhayak, (extraordinary MLA) after the election result accepting that defeating a serving Chief Minister would remain the biggest achievement of his political career; short yet shining. But then he had become the member of that exclusive club of the politicians, who at some point of time had defeated any serving Chief Minister or Prime Minister.Peter became the poster boy of State politics, but, Soren’s loyalists never forgot and never forgave him for dashing the cultivated image of their master in the battlefield of Tamar: Invincible Guru.
Nevertheless, after the result Peter could not see the face of the State Assembly as Jharkhand was brought under President’s rule for an extended period. He was loath to admit Abhutpurva Bidhayak again — its meaning had totally changed as he once said that he felt neither like a sitting nor former MLA. Peter later on contested as JD (U) candidate from Tamar in the last Assembly election.
Soren again became Chief Minister with the support of the BJP-AJSU and JD (U) and Peter was eager to erase that negative imprint. He got cold response. He is still attempting a thaw.
“Tamar election was a different story; it was an election. Soren will always remain a respected leader of Jharkhand. He has blessed me and will guide us with his vision for the development of Jharkhand,” Peter said.
The dark and unlovely irony is that Soren seems to have still not recovered from the Tamar shock.
He flinched when Peter bent down to seek his blessings after taking oath. Was it a blessing, was it a curse it is is mystry.
Munda allocates portfolio, retains energy and road with him
Alliance partners swap role in government
Chief Minister Arjun Munda allocated portfolios among his ministers while keeping two key departments Energy and Road despite last moment pressure and whining of alliance partners JMM and AJSU to hand over the two plum portfolios under agreed portfolio swapping formula.
Top sources confided that Munda could not lay his hand over Mining Department as the JMM refused to concede further. The department was allocated to JMM minister and Deputy Chief Minister Hemant Soren along with Finance, Commercial Tax, Urban Development and Housing, Drinking Water and Sanitation and Civil Aviation.
A list to this effect Munda sent to the Governor MOH Farook on late Saturday night for assent after marathon meeting with Hemant and Sudesh Kumar Mahto of the AJSU. It was notified on Sunday.
Munda retained Personnel Department, Administrative Reform, Cabinet Secretariat and Coordination, Home, Vigilance, Planning and Development and all those departments which have not been allocated to anybody.
Under formula agreed by the coalition partners reported by The Pioneer on September 9, the BJP and the JMM had agreed to swap its respective portfolio retained during the previous JMM-BJP-AJSU-JD (U) government led by Shibu Soren.
‘Road Construction Department’ came as a considerable loss for the AJSU as Deputy CM Sudesh was quite keen to continue with this department. But he retained Rural Development along with NREP Youth Sports and Cultural Affairs, NREP, Panchyati Raj Institution, Forest and Environment. Sudesh was awarded Water Resource portfolio which was retained by the minister of his party Chandra Prakash Chaudhary.
While Chaudhary got Science and Technology, Building construction, Labour employment—a key department he held in the previous government ‘Drinking Water and Sanitation went to the JMM.
There was a mutual swap of the HRD and the Health Department and Family Welfare — the JMM and the BJP agreed for. HRD went to BJP’s Baidyanath Ram where as Health Department will be now headed JMM Minister Hemlal Murmu who was handed over another two departments — Family Welfare and Parliamentary Affairs.
Cabinet’s only minority face Hazi Hussain Ansari of the JMM remained more or less in the same role as minister of ‘Minority Welfare Development with minor addition of Cooperative Department.
Mathura Mahato of the JMM will look after Food, Public Distribution System and Consumer Affairs and Revenue and Land Reform. The first two departments were retained by the BJP in the past ministry. Champai Soren of the JMM who became the minister after the BJP conceded one berth for the JMM is set to stir Transport Department as well as Tribal. The JD (U) which got one berth in the ministry, its minister Raja Peter has been given the assignment of Excise and Prohibition, Disaster Management Department. Earlier these two departments remained with Soren himself when he was the CM of the coalition government. BJP’s Bimla Pradhan, the lone woman in the ministry has been allocated ‘Social Welfare’, ‘Woman and Child Development’ and Tourism.
BJP’s Satyanand Jha Batul is a baffling case of gloom after high hope. He had strongly lobbied for HRD and landed in the barn of Animal Husbandry. This ‘strictly vegetarian’ minister has to look after the Department of Fisheries. Nevertheless, another two significant departments Agriculture and Sugarcane are with him.
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